Selena Gomez Fucks with Orlando Bloom and Does Marie Claire of the Day

Selena Gomez is doing whatever she can to get in the media, including but not limited to fucking up to an cuddling up to Orlando Bloom the actor you assumed was Gay because he dates Katy Perry…

Maybe this is some catty Taylor Swift coordinated scandal to go up against Katy Perry, and publicly embarrass her, or maybe it is a bi-product of Selena’s boyfriend Beiber fucking Orlando’s wife and baby momma Miranda Kerr a bunch of years ago – an incident I was first to report…because I’m so good at this modern journalism…

Maybe it’s just a scandal to get into the news…as these things happen…because all these idiots are connected like some terrible high school we all watch…

Maybe I am ashamed of myself for participating in this nonsense…

Selena Gomez is doing all she can to get in as much media placement or attenton as possible – hoping to fill up the seats at her new concert tour that has just started….where she will love songs about being an independent child star trained by Disney who had a fake romance with Justin Beiber that she continues to milk because it’s the best PR stunt she’s had to date…

I don’t care for Selena Gomez or her shitty pop music that gets produced because she has a huge fan base – and because people have no taste – and because music producers know how to trick people into liking or thinking they like songs – because humans are pretty fucking basic minds…and the figurehead the attach to the song, who is more a dancing, well trained puppet…

Music and Live Shows makes more money than acting – so this is her cashing in, feeding her ego, and doing press for that tour…she’s shameless..

Here’s the shoot:

Here’s the video…

Here’s some GIFs where you can see that when she’s not photoshopped, her LUPUS bloat is on point – with the pudgy little attention seeking face…

Selena Gomez Fucks with Orlando Bloom and Does Marie Claire of the Day May 10th, 2016