Rihanna Models Sunglasses for DIOR of the Day

Rihanna is not just a pop tart who sings other people’s songs pretty fucking badly, but in a really fucking marketable way, thanks to being from the Islands and just going along with this whole winning at life thing…

But she also sits with Sunglass designers at Dior and says which of the 50 designs they present her are her favorite – in an hour long meeting – so that they can come up with the Marketing hook that Rihanna designed these glasses, as the girl who actually designed the glasses sits at home crying as she drinks a bottle of wine she can barely afford from her shitty junior designer job…making herself feel better about things because “Rihanna chose one of my designs out of the 50, that means I am good, right?”….no credit when you work for vapid celebs who everyone wants to ride the name of…

Rihanna also modeled the glasses she “designed”…so versatile..

Rihanna Models Sunglasses for DIOR of the Day May 25th, 2016