Demi Lovato Slutty Photoshoot of the Day

Lesbian Demi Lovato takes ownership of the no-make up, be a fat mexican chick with mental issues hustle – because it turns out that there are a lot of fat girls and loyal Mexicans who believe her lie, who buy into her nonsense, who make her rich as fuck and who keep her doing what she is doing…from Disney to mental breakdown – to loyal following that listens to her lies…

While she’s not touring like a cunt who thinks people want to listen to her – because she has the money to prove it – she’s probably at home fucking her Wilmer Valderamma up the ass, because his dick fell off from all the young pussy in Hollywood he destroyed when he was relevant….not to mention ass play from an angry egotistical lesbian is a good time for someone who’s had it all – but doesn’t want to admit he’s a faggot…

I preferred her when she was bi-polar, institutionalized and all that good stuff we call addicted to drugs because that’s what famous people do…not that I’ve actual preferred her anyway…she’s Demi Lovato…who gives a fuck…I mean besides millions of really creepy fans who care too much about this girl…

I also prefer her when she was rumoed to have sex tapes with Miley….but here she is in fetish gear for a photoshoot – because people, not me, but people…like her.

Demi Lovato Slutty Photoshoot of the Day June 2nd, 2016