Laetitia Casta fir Marie Claire France of the Day

I used to masturbate to Laetitia Casta tits in a simpler time – we’ll call it 1996 when I first got the internet…and figured out how it worked thanks to prison time I was serving being modern and convenient…

This was in the dial up era when I could get off to a set of slow loading tits, bar by bar of image slowly loading – edging myself until the full breast dropped…where this whole “celebrity” thing started up for me, using old Thumbnail Gallery Posts for porn material…always choosing the celebrity section – because models were just hotter than 90s shitty porn people.

So these tits, in 1996, were a staple…the stars of the internet…they were from France and huge…they never went onto doing much, but being so early in her naked for her career, makes her and her tits iconic…and now she’s still doing media and still looking good – reassuring my decision to jerk off to her instead of other bitches of the time…

So I guess Laetitia Casta and I have a one side, romantic, historically charged legacy…and in ways she is the reason for DrunkenStepfather so if you have any lawsuits pending against me – send them her way…


Laetitia Casta fir Marie Claire France of the Day June 7th, 2016