Lindsay Pelas Has Big Tits of the Day

Lindsay Pelas is one of these instagram whores – who is so low level – and irrelevant that dudes, mainly bros, follow because her tits are fucking absurdly huge and even magical…up on some hormones in the food or just interesting genetics –

She uses her tits as a tool to get ahead, and rightfully so, they are a wonderfully huge talent and it would be a fucking crime if she didn’t use them before the rest of her fattens up, and catches up to her tits, like every busty girl I’ve ever known, when her metabolism slows down at 30…

It’s safe to assume she uses her social media to get paid for sex, because the brands hiring her are not paying much, because they know her audience and worth is all in the tits…to jerk off to…for big titty fetishists, which is pretty much everyone, even if big tits aren’t a prerequisite to fuck, they are magical when they happen without obesity.

I don’t like giving these low level attention seeking whores attention or credibility – but magical tits always win…they always get the best of me – when I get nothing from them because they are cheesy, Vegas-y and into money..but for the record – I posted her first tit video that went viral before 99 percent of people – so she owes me a motorboat / full contact lap dance…etc.

Lindsay Pelas Has Big Tits of the Day June 8th, 2016