Magdalana Frackowiak for S Moda of the Day

This is a model named Magdalena Frackowiak who is Polish…but lives iN NYC as these Eastern Europeans who are well taken care of do…

I know someone who knew her when she was in NYC around the time she booked Victoria’s Secret and apparently she was a real cunt about it.

I don’t think she does Victoria’s Secret anymore, these girls think they’ve made it when they get it, but sometimes, the people at Victoria’s Secret have other ideas that involve trying out new pussy, because old pussy gets old, even if it’s not old..there’s just so many Foreign girls with work Visas they can get to suck their dicks for work.

As you know I prefer when my Eastern European girls are more sex worker, than high end sex worker that doesn’t know she’s a sex worker…you know mail order bride, not “you need to be a billionaire to ride, because I’m from Victoria’s Secret”…even though that’s old news…

Where as this S Moda shoot is her new news…great face, hot cleavage, my favorite picture is the plastic dress, it’s the kind of thing I’d make a girl wear to piss herself in…because I have a new found pee fetish…unrelated to Magdalena Frackowiak but since every pees…I guess it applies to her and every other girl out there….

At risk of sounding – RAPEY – watch out…I’m coming to a public bathroom with hidden cameras near you…

Magdalana Frackowiak for S Moda of the Day June 14th, 2016