Jennifer Aniston was pregnant in a bikini a few weeks ago, that was the story, and now she’s no longer pregnant in leggings…
One could assume she was just experiencing Menopausal bloat, but I guess she could have had a miscarriage.
She may pretend she’s still young and hot, but she’s 47 years old – which is pretty fucking old…even when you have a pile of money to hire the best cooks, fitness instructors, and people to surround you and tell you how hot and amazing you are – while execs at studios and agencies suck up to her too – they used to watch friends when they were kids and she’s an icon to them…but an icon doesn’t make for an iron lined uterus….no matter how much her ego wants to breed now that her looks are faded….and her “hot chick” angle is more hollywood fantasy than likely or realistic…so settling down to retire and mom would make sense – and for a narcissist that works best when you have kids of your own – otherwise you “Mommy Dearest Them”…you know adopt for PRESS and abuse because they annoy…
I guess what I am saying is that even when she was hot – dudes ran from her…all dudes ran from her…so she is either a terror or the worst…or just someone you don’t knock up…and cheat on with Angelina Jolie…But you can stare at her mound in tight pants, even if she’s better suited to show off her nipples.