Bella Thorne’s Subtle Outfit / Casual Posing of the Day

I call pictures like this casual. Where a cunt poses hard and cheesy and owns it. Like the street is her runway and the hired paparazzi her adorning fans – or the people in the audience at the fashion show of her life…

It’s so shameless, so ridiculous, and basically what a group of fame whore girls have been doing for the longest time in their self promotion…financed by the yogurt shop…

I just prefer when the pictures on INSTAgram are more “INSTANT” and not some photoshopped bullshit lies. I prefer when the paparazzi pics are casual, and the girl in them doesn’t want to have her pics taken like she’s having her privacy invading – LIKE SHE IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL WHEN PAPARAZZI HOUND HER…

But instead everyone, especially Bella Thorne, are fame whores, who love the attention, who love the camera, who work it for the camera as part of their marketing strategy and who don’t care how silly they look, because their entire generation does this FOR their IPHONES, at least Bella is on TV and in movies and is doing it for reputable hired paparazzi – like she mattters…

This girl is one of the more relevant names on social media getting work in movies…and this is how she behaves – loving every second of it – reminding me that the glamourous exclusivity of hollywood is done, and it’s just a matter of who can be the bigger fame whore getting half naked – in a bikini top on the fucking street – to get noticed…and it’s really too bad…because if hollywood is so basic, accessible, cheesy and lame…what are the kids going to aspire to…I guess getting half naked on the internet – fingers crossed that they’ll make it…I guess that works for me…so keep it going Bella Thorne…slut on…forever…you 40 year old looking 18 year old gift from the trash can of florida…


Bella Thorne’s Subtle Outfit / Casual Posing of the Day June 29th, 2016