Kelly Brook Big Tits Getting Out of Car of the Day

Kelly Brook is serious bottom feeding top heavy whichis conventient because she’s titty model who is really fucking old now…

She’s still got her tits, sure she’s fatter, but she’s always been fat, I met Rugby players in the UK who have fucked her and they laugh about how sloppy she was…at her prime…TRUE STORY…before she decided to move to AMerica…to try and make it by 40. It’s what happens when you get rich for very little and believe you have what it takes to really go for the gold….

She hasn’t been lurking around too much and she’s really not that exciting when she does, but she did bring her fat tits out of a car like she’s the Royal family, and there’s nothing really wrong with that – especially if you like your tits to be old and rich for no reason, but bottom feeding to try to get famous, with an accent…

She should go back to titty modeling…


Kelly Brook Big Tits Getting Out of Car of the Day July 1st, 2016