Mischa Barton Bikini for Alton Sterling of the Day

Social Justice Warrior Mischa Barton – who everyone forgot after the OC ended – leaving her with all the time and money in the world to do what made her happy – self medicating – to the point of rehab stints, a DEATH WATCH where we were convinced she was going to die – and then the fat years….all out of the public eye until Dancing with the Stars happened, and she got fit..maybe even sober…allowing her to pose in a bikini on a boat to express gun control, the future president and all things political about the state of America…because from a yacht…it’s pretty clear what changes need to be made for America to be less annoying for the rich…

With all things political…and about guns, AMerica is mad at Mischa for this – to the point she deleted it but the internet remembers all things…..ironically not Mischa Barton…until she does things like this…

I guess supporting ALton Sterling, calling the cops pigs in a bikini is cute…sexual…sexy but I just miss her cellulite ridden legs…what’s with this muscle tone…sad…

Mischa Barton Bikini for Alton Sterling of the Day July 7th, 2016