Maitland Ward is Such Garbage of the Day

Maitland Ward is up there in being the lowest level fame whore around. I generally ignore her and her middle aged, menopausal, yet still busty attempts to be hot and slutty. I just think when you’re not really that hot, and the content you’re producing isn’t that good, you shouldn’t really be talked about….but I guess I felt semi-sorry for her, knowing she was on a huge show in the 90s as the hot chick and unable to ever get a job after that gig, is probably hard on a person’s ego and morale, but why wait 20 fucking years before doing your whoring….and WHORING she does…

A few months ago a reader sent in a conversation from her snapchat where she offered anal sx for money, I posted the conversation – 100 percent from her snapchat – and she emailed me asking me to take it down, telling me she’s married and doesn’t need money she just does this glamour model nonsense for fun…even though it’s shameless, sad and depresses me…

I wonder if she’s doing this because she wasn’t able to have kids, even though she looks like she’s got 6 kids, and this keeps her distracted from tears….

I’m sure the story is fucking sad, it must be, no matter how much smiling comes in her pics that I’m sure make some weirdo’s cum, just not me – because accessible, even hireable 40 year olds who were once on TV isn’t my fetish….but sloppy tits are fun at all ages…even if we don’t understand them or their motivation…

Maitland Ward is Such Garbage of the Day July 14th, 2016