Bella Hadid in a Bikini of the Day

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Bella Hadid is the hotter more strategic Hadid sister. She was clever enough to watch her fame whore sister struggling with fake friendships and hustling in her own rich girl way to get internet famous as the Kardashian groupie – built like a model – who could actually pull off modelling thanks to her mom being a model – before being a sugar baby married to a rich arab man…

While Bella probably just casually worked a part time job at the deli or whatever rich kids do to pretend to be busy for their parents to give them that trust fund money – until it was time to hop on board – and get her own modeling career – without doing any of the bitch work…thanks to her sister, people noticed and liked her better since no one likes the “look at me, look at me” brat…we all like the mysterious darker sister with more plastic surgery…

She’s on vacation – in a bikini – it’s good times.. for a girl who’s life is a vacation and good times – and probably doesn’t even realize it – they way I like my women – you know unappreciative and hot…

Bella Hadid in a Bikini of the Day July 27th, 2016