Abbey Lee Kershaw for Agent Provocateur of the Day

The other day, one of the biggest superficial gold diggers I know wrote some enlightening post on how she’s moved to a third world country to live the life of luxury for 1000 dollars a month, with good food, good views, nice beaches and that she realized she didn’t need the important things that Westerners think are important – like Agent Provocateur panty sets….something no girl I’ve ever fucked has ever worn….the girls I fuck are more into mismatched soil underwear I assume they got at Goodwill 25 years earlier…so many years of period stains, STD discharge stains, and magical toxins that if you were to boil said panties and drink the tea – you’d possibly die….but yes…our world is fueled by materialistic shit, marketed to us, making us feel inadequate – but the only people that really works on is instagram hookers trying to project some bullshit…

That said, I’ve always like Agent Provocateur as a brand, not as much as Ryan Seacrest who shuts down the store in Beverly Hills for his hookers to spend 30,000 dollars on lingerie, but enough to look at the pics of the brand. I mean I remember when the line was very fucking fringe, impossible to get, premium….and their catalog pics good enough to jerk off to…

Well here’s their campaign for F/W 2016 with model Abbey Lee Kershaw….an Australian.

Abbey Lee Kershaw for Agent Provocateur of the Day July 19th, 2016