I watched the republican national convention, not because I am American or have anything to do with your politics, although most Americans would say they rule the world and whoever is in charge of their country is the most influential leader in the world, and that is probably true…but I watched it for the comedy. I don’t care for any politics but when real life trolls happen at this level it is brilliant, because even the most die hard believer knows deep in their soul that Trump dud this as a joke, it went viral, he had to commit and it had been a series of “what can I say to end this” but instead it just continues to fuel it, in a very weird series of events.
So seeing the supporters from angry Muslim hating army men who truly believe they are fighting for freedom and not oil interests and who ignorantly want to make the world American, to black people who hate illegals more than they hate racism thanks to Trump finding them and personally reaching out after their kids were killed by illegals, you know to win them over to make him seem human, to his communist wife talking about her communist lessons as if they were American in her communist accent in a speech she ripped off Michelle Obama, calling out Bob Dole who remembers the Cold War and WWII probably started panicking with some kind of tigger warning – before an awkward interaction with Trump that screamed “so that’s what the name on my paychecks look like” –
Her bragging about her non existent modeling career like she’s not an escort – looking down on other immigrants who don’t have rich men who want to fuck them in exchange for a visa and the good life as vain, egotistical billionaire arm candy puppet.
Her English after 20 years is about as good as it needs to be when all she has to say is “yes daddy”….not that she was allowed to talk – being household staff and either way….hilarious fear mongering, manipulation and insanity really..makes me hope he actually wins!!
I just keep wondering how many TRUMP models at the TRUMP agency fuck for money. Is Trump a pimp, where’s the investigation into that?
Give me 4 years of endless insanity – it’s just sad Giuliani isn’t his Vice President candidate. Looks like he owes Trump some favors you know thanks to being the mayor to a seedy slum lord developer. Fascinating…but not really….it is actually pretty depressing
What a time in American history…it is filled with just so much noise…no facts, just random catch phrases, it was pretty moronic…
A Bunch of Fan Girls
Olivia Munn Legs
The Cowboy and his TRUMP dog
Colbert Trolls the RNC
How to Eat BBQ for a Living
Nude Protestors at the RNC
The Taylor Swift / Kim K Exposing her Lies Drama
The Taylor Swift / Kanye Recording wasn’t Illegal
Water Bottle Flip Trick Shots
Game of Thrones in GIFS