Demi Lovato Does the Tranny of the Day

Demi Lovato doens’t interest me because I am convinced she panders to her childhood fans – by taking them on some bullshit story that is her “life”…designed to sell product…it’s all she knows and she fucking worked it…She was gay for a minute, not gay a minute later, she was bi polar which was an excuse for anytime she showed her true self and went off brand…and least interestingly, she was into being fat and owned being fat…But for some reason…a reason I call being a lazy fat chick is ok for a year or two but it’s better to come out on stage being your hottest and tightest especially as you get older…

Well – she did a slutty shoot – looked like a tranny – but is wearing make-up for a make-up / love your body / down with body shamer / is so backwards – but not really, we expect all celebs to be full of shit..

Demi Lovato Does the Tranny of the Day July 22nd, 2016