Sara Sampaio Nipples of the Day

Sara Sampaio may be accused of being too skinny by the bodyshamers who don’t like how skinny she is, because they are fat…

They think her Portuguese fish eating fitness, that lead to her becoming a Victoria’s Secret model with nice little tits is fucking offensive….

So the slam her on social media like a rich guy she’s dating because he’s rich and likes models…

And that is bullying, reverse bullying, putting down a girl for having low body fat percentage – shaming her into overeating, developing diabetes and losing limbs….but no one gets on board with that fight, the fight the people calling skinny hot chicks to skinny and hot, because they feel like shit about themselves for being fat and realize life is unfair…

Well, I don’t know what this titty shoot is for, but it is recent….and there are tits…and I like tits…especially on skinny bitches who fight the good fight by being skinny.

Sara Sampaio Nipples of the Day July 25th, 2016