Topless Jennifer Aniston Butt Shot of the Day

Watching a 50 year old, barren Jennifer Aniston in a skimpy bikini bottom is almost depressing, because I know that ass is all she’s got to show for her holding out on having kids and when all her friends are fulfilled women – who have babies to love and nurture – she’s out tanning with her ass in the air… she’s on a permanent vacation thanks to all her money – while her poorer gold digging man caters to her requests – because not having kids is fucking awesome. Seriously…

How many 50 year olds are still worth fucking…not many…and this one, despite how sad she may be about it, thanks to being a spoiled cunt who gets everything she wants, except babies, because dudes either fear her or she’s to vain to fuck up her life…even though childbirth is so fucking narcissist…trying to understand it is futile…there’s no understanding a super zoom of a paparazzi camera on her ass…it’s just there and it’s worth looking at…and that’s more than most moms at 50 can say…so despite her sadness – this is winning.


Topless Jennifer Aniston Butt Shot of the Day July 25th, 2016