Tsanna Latouche for Agent Provocateur of the Day


Tsanna Latouche is modeling lingerie for Agent Provocateur…interesting name, but what is in a name, when all I care about is the ass. I don’t even remember the names of people I meet or people I like or girls I want to fuck or do nude pics of in my basement apartment – I’m like “who was that bitch from tinder who said she’s filler her ass up with playdoh and shit it out for an artistic shoot”…I just don’t remember…and I guess that makes us all fucking losers missing out on my art that is really just weirdo fetsih shit…in the form of playdoh shit…High concept…

Speaking of High Concept here’s a shoot for Agent Provocateur, the Sugar Baby and Instagram whore’s most favorite lingerie to wear – even if it’s just stylized mall brand at high end prices – they don’t know better – they just know what is expensive is obviously better – since dude who she rims everyday after he shits like she’s his toilet paper – I’m talking to you Seacrest – is paying.

Catalog pics are boring…

Tsanna Latouche for Agent Provocateur of the Day July 27th, 2016