Paris Hilton Snapchat Photoshoot of the day

Paris Hilton is the fucking worst and I am only saying that because she blocks me off her shit without me even interacting with her shot – and not her actual shit – her social media that I assume is shit – but I can’t watch it because she wants to oust me, alienate me, single me out and exile me to a world without Paris Hilton….

The reality is she’s not even the worst, she makes a ton of money in the international market doing bullshit, she’s not nearly as annoying as the monster Kardashian she’s created, she’s barely even visible…

She’s more the “hilton” name in countries where they have hiltons and see her as a symbol of the American dream…

What you should like about shameless Hilton is that she’s still shameless, just in a quieter way, as she sucks the YACHT shower head like it was the dick that made her famous when she was 20….because you can’t teach a old dog new tricks…or is it you can’t teach and Old Trick anything – bitch is a Trick…but at least she’s not fat because she’s looking hot, even though she’s old…I guess it’s from never working a day in her life…no seriously you’d think her ass would be more mangled after years of drugs and whoring…


Paris Hilton Snapchat Photoshoot of the day August 2nd, 2016