Denise Richards Terrifying in a Bikini of the Day

Denise Richards looked terrible, terrifying and terrified, like a deer in the headlights – the botox version…..

She’s a haggard ex prostitute who no one remembers being a prostitute but if you cross reference Charlie Sheen who hired her to be his wife a lot of years ago – and the girls he has fucked since and got AIDS from – it’s pretty apparent.

People used to get mad when I called her out for being a Heidi Fliess girl, I would get emails about it, really passionate dudes who felt she was a hot and real actress because of a threesome scene in one movie and some tail end work on Baywatch…two acting jobs that didn’t make her a lot of money or get her rich – two acting jobs that are suited for a whore…

Well, she still out whoring, skinny, zombie like, old, and disgusting…but I’d totally like to sniff her beat up ass hole and dangling pussy…


Denise Richards Terrifying in a Bikini of the Day August 4th, 2016