K. Michelle TIT of the Day


K. Michelle is some tranny looking stripper looking “singer”…who is actually from some “Love and Hip Hop – Atlanta” show – where we can assume she played the trashy tranny looking stripper looking singer – desperate to get as famous as Beyonce or some shit…

I have never heard of her – because I hate these staged, scripted, bullshit reality shows…but she’s wearing a see through top at her concert and that’s worth pointing out…just not worth spending to much time thinking about – it’s noise, splash in the pan attention seeking bullshit and I’ve already said too much…

I prefer her COSTARS from the show – who actually put out a bottom feeding sex tape THAT I POSTED ON HERE

I said I prefer her COSTARS from the show – who actually put out a bottom feeding sex tape THAT I POSTED ON HERE

K. Michelle TIT of the Day August 12th, 2016