Kaley Cuoco in Some Low Hangig Short of the Day


Kaley Cuoco’s got some low hanging shorts on…for those of us who remember when she was low hanging fruit…

She’s old, so it’s safe to assume that this is the middle aged 100 millionaire version of the Ariel Winter shorts up my ass…

It’s like her way of advertising that at 40 or however old and rich she is…she doesn’t have a bush, she still waxes that shit off, unlike her happily / no ones ever happy, married friends…who just let shit go – because they think it’ll keep their pervert husbands off their backs..or cunts…

But what they don’t realize is that BUSH is king, or QUEEN, and that dudes think they hate it because they watch porn, were brainwashed to think it was gross, but when they see it – and smell it and rub it through their fingers like it was Santa’s Beard…they can’t control their pervert selves…

As an advocator of Bush, these pics offend me…but old fit lady pubic bone is a fetish I’m sure..


Kaley Cuoco in Some Low Hangig Short of the Day August 16th, 2016