Stella Maxewll by Max Abadian for Elle Brazil of the Day

Here are some amazing pics of Stella Maxewll by Montreal’s own Max Abadian for Elle Brazil…andshe looks fucking amazing…

I’ve never really been a Stella Maxwell fan, but whatever she’s been doing to herself to look more like a model and less like a dumpy hipster, thanks to Victoria’s Secret Mall brand contracts making it impossible to be a hipster when you’re working for the MAN…not that hipsters are against the MAN anymore, they are actually the biggest consumers, buying nonsense and thinking they are artists, while dancing, or in Stella Maxwell’s case fucking…Miley Cyrus…

The world has gone what we used to call Hostess Twinkie, even though Hostess went broke and doesn’t exist, it still means candy coated, commercial, nonsense…

So get in, cash in, everything is a fucking ad or sales pitch…nothing is just cool or content for the sake of content…everyone wants that Yacht, or billion dollar app, or whatever..

But at least they show their asses in the process..

Stella Maxewll by Max Abadian for Elle Brazil of the Day August 17th, 2016