Rat Cow is More Than Just TITS of the Day

Rat Cow is 25 – I think, and at 25 is when the metabolism starts to slow down – and ass and tits and gut start to get bigger, unless you starve yourself…and there is always that window where things still look good, a bigger ass is fun, and since you’ve already over exposed them tits, and you don’t want to be seen as a tit model…it’s important…to showcase all your other talents…and for some girls, being something people want to fuck is as good as they get…no matter how hard they try to pretend they are more…it always goes back to the half naked, full naked, tits and ass…shameless self promoter…and there is a place in the world for this…I just wish there was more sex videos to back all this up….

Rat Cow is More Than Just TITS of the Day August 29th, 2016