The VMAs Happened of the Day

Obviously, I didn’t watch the VMAs, what the fuck is cable…but the fact that it is a marketing vehicle for a massive media empire…and their youth culture brand…that isn’t hitting the youth culture at all…since youth culture only cares about social media…something that will destroy quality content and continue to make kids vapid zombie robots…means I knew it was on….

I am sure it was horrible and based on the pics, looks like it was a comeback tour, a reunion tour, a nostalgic party for a bunch of old timers…

There is no new blood, because celebrity barely exists anymore, I mean I’ll assume it was their lowest viewership ever…but instead of using their millions and millions to do something innovative…they bring the same old, tired shit..and I’m not just talking about Beyonce….I’m talking about all these played out tricks…

Seriously….this is the last decade of VMAs, let’s hope it’s the last VMAs, we don’t need bullshit awards that are just a marketing activation for your sponsors…..

Nicki Minaj Monster – Monster shaped…

Halsey Nipples…which was the highlight, you need an ex homeless girl to bring it when she knows it’s a good media opp…

Britney lookin’ old, fit, empty and souless..

Jojo with some Nipple if you look hard enough and you will..

Ariana Grande looking like shit, but I appreciate her push-up bra…

Chanel West Coast also in a See through – make it count – you look like a stripper, be that stripper…

Rihanna ass…

Rihanna impersonator Rita Ora was also there…

Celebrity is dying… good…


The VMAs Happened of the Day August 29th, 2016