Spike Jones Directed Ad Featuring Andie MacDowell’s Daughter of the Day

Margaret Qualley is Andie MacDowell’s rich kid trust fund daughter who will pretend she was raised in Montana like a Willis sister – but is really just an LA rich kid. She just has a more down to earth storyline, thanks to her parents only working 8 weeks a year for millions of dollars, allowing them to hang in the mountains and ride horses – unlike all their Beverly Hills counterparts…who had to stay in Beverly Hills because their parents were tv hosts or agents who had to live in their LA mansions….the same Mansions they pretend they didn’t grow up in, but went to the second they could…to be actors and models of their own…it’s a good scam…

Well she’s in this new Spike Jonze ad with her dancing that people are loving so love it…because Spike Jonze and his fatboy slim remake because they remake everything…Hollywood…such bullshit….

Spike Jones Directed Ad Featuring Andie MacDowell’s Daughter of the Day August 30th, 2016