Kate Upton Less Fat of the Day

Kate Upton was the overrated plus sized model, who paved the way for other plus sized models, and who wasn’t even considered plus sized model – despite being plus sized…and I guess she got pretty cocky about the whole thing – and just kept eating – to see how far she could actually take it before people calling her fat, or putting her into the plus sized category – where you can be obese and still get work, or I guess just stop hiring her for jobs….

Well, she reached that point, saved herself and her brand name with some nudes pics that were leaked – where she and her monstrous tits were jerked off to like the good old days…and I guess she realized she was disgusting…

So I give credit where credit is dude…what was once fat and disgusting, is making a comeback through diet and fitness and that’s a way more interesting angle than just embracing being a pig like all these other lazy cunts do…

So here’s Kate Upton in a white dress at an event not looking fat for the first time…in a long time…


Kate Upton Less Fat of the Day September 12th, 2016