Taylor Swift Silly Boots of the Day

Taylor Swift was out in some Wizard of Oz, Pretty Woman, Street Hooker Dorthy boots…because she identifies with a street hooker…because she’s had as much sex as a street hooker – to fill her insecure void that being a best selling act making lots of money since the age of 16 doesn’t do for her…it’s really a sad story for the fans of the terror that is Taylor Swift…producing bullshit songs for insecure, women who can’t get laid and who let boys get the best of them – or take advantage of them – positioning it as a girl power thing – when really she’s just a fucking lie.

She fucks a DJ or dude she sees in a movie, she publicly dates him before cheating on him with another guy and spins it as she’s either empowered, or just a hopeless romantic…and people want to believe her – that’s just how pathetic people are I guess…they’ll believe anything in their sad and depressing existences…


Taylor Swift Silly Boots of the Day September 12th, 2016