Kristen Bell Pay Equity Nonsense of the Day

The only thing I know about gender wage gaps – is that women would complain even if they were making more money then men – because they are women and in being women, all fueled by emotion and overreacting, that’s what they do. It’s a fact, I’ll make a satirical video about it to prove it…like Huff/Po did with this shit…

I’m not going to go into the “they should be happy they are allowed to vote” angle, because I am a feminist…people laugh when I say that…but I am a feminist. I believe in a woman’s right to do anything she wants, for any pay she wants. I also think that women are smarter, more educated, try harder because dudes don’t take them seriously, and besides emotional behavior and women overcompensating in the workforce and thus acting like rigid men, the worst part of men, a way to stake their claim or worth…they are an organized species, that made great secretaries…and ran households…and if they put in the hours…without being distracted by birthing, an actual issue in their lives..they do great things…it’s not a gender issue…

But people are so quit to pull the trigger warning on PAY EQUITY….and I think in general, people are lazy, people are bad negotiators, people do the least amount of work possible and feel entitled to just have a job, and that is not gender specific….

I think there are a lot of factors that go into this famous 77 cents on a dollar number always thrown at us by people who probably read one article on the subject…

I mean even this video of an actress, a fucking actress, not an authority on anything but maybe bad comedy, which is probably why they brought her in… who has a networth of over 15 million dollars -something many men can’t relate to having…despite being an unqualified college drop out – all because she plays make belief a few times a year…has no right having an opinion of anything that affects the common man…she is not common, and he makes a lot more than 77 cents on my dollar.

Maybe she’s mad that she got paid 1 million on a movie the male role made 1.23 million…shut the fuck up and get a better agent…

I want a PHD professor who has spend 40 years studying this shit, drawing charts for me, not throwing low level clickbait gags at me…

This doesn’t touch on any actual fact or represent every company, it doesn’t consider the various ways this 77 cents on a dollar number came about – it’s just a comedic satirical approach that despite being produced by a site / publication people consider a news source….is not actual news…because it is probably produced by a woman…and they were too busy getting 77 cents on a dollar to figure it the fuck out…

This is called pandering to a clickbait audience – and people eat it up because people are idiots…

Here she is in a magazine promoting herself..

Kristen Bell Pay Equity Nonsense of the Day September 16th, 2016