Kendall Jenner Braless of the Day

Yesterday, I said that Kendall Jenner, along with being terribly fucking boring, useless, vapid, uninteresting, talentless is also so fucking average looking, that if she was born into any other home, she’d probably be working at Subway and you’d think, that Subway worker is kinda cute, she doesn’t wear bras….

Thanks to positioning, she’s not a Subway worker, but instead Kendall Jenner is a “top” model, at least she’d like you to think that. She’s the lead “influencer’ on social media and worst of all she thinks she’s hot as fuck…

But even without her bra on for the paparazzi…because that’s trendy…Kendall Jenner is so fucking average looking….at least she’s skinny…because if she was fat and doing this…I’d be angry about it…instead I’ll look at her average at best tits…and wonder if her Dad Caitlin sucks dick better than she does…and the answer is probably, he’s got more to prove…

I’m disappointed with the world for letting this happen. It’s not why I drink, but it’s more reason to drink…

Here she is hugging a monster..

A video posted by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

Kendall Jenner Braless of the Day September 28th, 2016