I Like Francesca Eastwood of the Day

Francesca Eastwood is hot and she’s on the rise. I wonder how she got into the whole acting thing…I guess it doesn’t matter…she’s on the rise and by rise I mean she told her dad to call some friends and make her as famous as he can before he dies because he’s 150 year old….it’s the least he can do for cheating on her family and cheating on her family…neglecting her because he’s Clint Eastwood…a busy man….a busy man with all the fucking connections from 80 years in Hollywood…

Not that I care who she is, the fact that she’s an Eastwood is actually probably a bad thing because it means she’ll always have a trust fund and she’s already over the whole rebellious teenager thing and won’t release sex tapes…but the good news is that she’s trying to be a legit actor, she’s in Twin Peaks, and she’ll probably get naked for her roles..and that’ll be all you get out of her because she’s a Eastwood and doesn’t congregate with your kind….but you can always stare and jerk off to her tits thanks to this outfit…

She’s so dark and gothic…I am in love.


I Like Francesca Eastwood of the Day September 29th, 2016