Ariel Winter Has a Big Box of the Day


Ariel Winter’s got a big box, but you’d probably already know that if you just looked at her troll body’s body fat percentage…all round, doughy and you know that that vagina is probably as meaty as her belly and ass, maybe meatier…unless she got some pussy LIPPOSUCTION when she was getting her tit fat sucked out, before getting her nipples shrunk down, and to get her overall tits lifted…to be less offensively sloppy, even though true big tit lovers love tits sloppy…and that’s not to say her big box isn’t tight, a lot of fat girls have tight yet big pussy, because all the fat presses down on their organs giving it more resistence…even when they’ve been fucked a lot to deal with the sadness of being exploited since being a child…by her own damn parents…

Yes, I know this big box, isn’t that big box, it may not even be a big box, she’s just mini, but seeing her carrying a big box that may be a normal sized box, but by scale to her looks big, like she’s her own little Mexican slave, is more interesting when doing fat girl pussy analysis…because everything is better with fat girl pussy analysis…



Ariel Winter Has a Big Box of the Day October 4th, 2016