Haley Bennett for GQ of the Day

Haley Bennett is some up and coming 28 year old actor I don’t think I’ve ever heard of, but I am too lazy to figure it out, not because she’s too old, even though she’s getting there, but because she’s got great tits and thanks to those great tits is about to have her breakout….

She’s in Magnificent Seven, that Girl on a Train shit, and other movies…like the industry has selected her up on some Scarlett Johansson, Margot Robbie, other girls who have become superstars because of great agents and the scam that is Hollywood trying to keep budget high so everyone can get rich in the dumbest of way…playing make-belief…but maybe we’re the dumb ones who allow it…I blame being blinded by her tits as so does media…on her slow and steady attempt to become a household name…that I predict will happen….because of tits…

Here’s the BTS Video…of the TIts…

Haley Bennett for GQ of the Day October 4th, 2016