Joanna Krupa Still Trying to Get Noticed of the Day

Joanna Krupa is the least fascinating social climber, attention seeker, famewhore from the late 90s early 2000s when she first hit the scene as a promo model with fake tits, you know the kind of girl who looked like a Polish Porn Star, but who never fucked on camera. She saved that for private hotel rooms, which allowed her to build out her career, get work, support her lifestyle, and eventually be the fake tits on Dancing with the Stars…despite NEVER having been a star…fascinating..but not really.

She’s a shameless, near 40s, no longer on her shitty TV show, and I guess putting effort into showing off her body for likes, maybe to get noticed, for tabloids to pick up her story…because that’s what attention seeking, fame whores, trying to hold onto such a low level of fame, as hard as they can…do…

Just show the world your panties…and by world I mean a bunch of 40 year old dudes who read men’s mags in Y2k…

Joanna Krupa Still Trying to Get Noticed of the Day October 12th, 2016