Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers by Terry Richardson of the Day


I ALREADY POSTED SOME OF THESE PICS BUT I LIKE Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers enough to post them again….this time with more

So this is a Terry Richardson shoot, because Terry is back, but barely…because this shit is boring….he used to take pictures of party girls inserting things in their assholes wearing clown costumes – and called it art – and the world believed…

Instead he’s got a girl in a field…and the only thing this shoot has going for it, is Anna Ewers, who is one letter away from Sewers….carries it, while barely carrying herself, pelvic forward and slouching, pussy first… in her own brand of modeling style, because German women are pragmatic…possible created by genetic research done during Nazi Germany years….superior beings created in the aryan image Hilter dreamed of….I mean at least based on what this girl looks like…she’s top notch…and that alone must stem from evil.

Anna Ewers Rhymes with Sewers by Terry Richardson of the Day October 18th, 2016