Kaley Cuoco’s Weird Fetish Picture of the Day


Kaley Cuoco posted this picture of her showing off her fake tits all bent over in some fetish gear….but for some reason, all I see is that midget David from Roseanne in some weird fetish gear and it’s creeping me out….

This is the porn generation and the instagram whore generation, I don’t really need to see some old washed up actress cleavage to get excited. I figure no one actually cares about celebs anymore…its more an era of looking at yourself in the mirror…

But that doesn’t mean her cleavage didn’t happen….in what wasn’t any actual sex dungeon behavior, but rather some behind the scenes of their show – that is not only still on TV after all these years, but that they each make over 30 million dollars a year being on…which is absolutely insane to me based on my opinion of their talent alone, but also because I forgot that network TV existed….and I have a hard time believing people watch network television sitcoms and I don’t think they actually do….but the network doesn’t want anyone knowing that so they keep the lie alive for ad dollars….

They probably have these fetish scenes…where the nerds dress up in leather and Kaley Cuoco butt fucks David from Roseanne with her high heel…probably what is done after filming – because it’s the only thing that can go viral or get attention in this porno filled internet run world…this is the BUTT selfie, or the leaked sex tape, of the network TV world…and I guess it’s got a level of comedy if you can appreciate really awkward and uncomfortable things…and just be happy David from Roseanne isn’t wearing himself some assless chaps…because you know that’s what he wanted to wear.

I think this is for their Christmas special….

Kaley Cuoco’s Weird Fetish Picture of the Day November 7th, 2016