Britney Spears Weird Lingerie Slumber Party Video of the Day

Britney Spears has a new video. She was wearing lingerie and grinding up with some other chick and it would be magical if it wasn’t a creepy old crazy lady molesting a younger girl….even if she looks good, it’s the context of rape coming in all forms…

Not that I actually watched the video, I didn’t, so maybe the storyline is the old lady is the one being raped by the younger girl…making this post completely circular and irrelevant- with no takeaway for you – because what the fuck did you expect to takeaway from this…it’s a Britney Spears video – 20 years after the fact…

Here are her tits performing the same song in Vegas

Britney Spears Weird Lingerie Slumber Party Video of the Day November 18th, 2016