Love Magazine’s Christmas Continues of the Day

I have been posting Love Magazine daily video for Christmas forever, they’ve moved it to their Youtube channel because I guess people were just ripping off the videos and Youtube strategy makes sense, it works for so many youtubers, why have a site when you can just give content to the internet in exchange for google money…


You care about tits, and the magazine consistently brings some of the most popular mainstream people to their “editorial”….people who get into tabloids and get talked about – because it generates some buzz for them – so they go all out..

I just find it pandering for likes – USE THE POPULAR KIDS who we can’t quite figure out why they are even popular – but blame the internet….

So here are a few of their high concept “art”….pieces that are obviously really just a tactic to get views – everyone only cares about getting views…

Day 3 – Rita Ora Topless and Dancing with herself…

Day 4- Irelend Baldwin Monster

Day 5- Kendall Jenner – But At Least She’s Tall and Skinny Looking – Because The Other Kardashians are fucking Monsters

Love Magazine’s Christmas Continues of the Day December 5th, 2016