Joanna Krupa is Paddleboarding of the Day

Poland’s own…Joanna Krupa may be a shameless self promoter…who was born in Poland but lived in the US all her life…but that doesn’t mean she can’t use it as a marketing hook…this bitch is all about the marketing hook and that’s ok because she’s got a hot body…and when a girl has a hot body…she has every right to be a shameless self promoter…especially when she’s in her 40s like Krupa…

It’s like know your role in the world…and call your paparazzi friends…take those pictures….because tabloids like content and will publish pics of her even at her level of barely famous….

She was a Glamour model who was lucky enough to book Dancing With the Stars, thanks to a good audition and a need for Dancing With the Stars to have hot pussy for the husbands to watch dance, turning her into a reality star…

She is currently out of work…but that doesn’t mean she can’t keep her name in the media cycle…all she needs to do is get into that bikini….

Who knows what is next for someone I’m amazed has even got this far, but when you look like this, good things happen, no matter how cheesy you are….you just have to recognize your talents…and build off that…and maintain that shit as long as you can…because there’s plenty of older rich guys who want something like this to bring to the country club that allows jews….it’s a status thing, a novelty, like showing off a new car your friends can’t afford….only with a vagina that has sex with you…pretty perfect to me…


Joanna Krupa is Paddleboarding of the Day October 10th, 2017