Paris Hilton Beach Upskirt of the day

When it comes to Paris Hilton – it’s hard to tell if you’re looking at a bunched up pair of panties…or her mangled vagina…because despite being quiet as she accumulates the royalties she gets on Kim Kardashian’s career…there was a time her herpes ridden scabbed up cunt was everywhere, being penetrated by everything, and eventually, usually around 30…the damage starts to take its toll, and the elasticity of the labia gets less and less taught…and some can blame it on babies…others can blame it on fucking, partying, being an overall rich kid wreck trying to find her place in the world…

But then again, maybe this is what her vagina always looked like, whether she’s old or not, you know how skinny girls are with the no fat the pad their inner pussy lips…and I’m not a hater on a meaty twat…

I am a hater on a Paris Hilton twat because she’s the fucking worst, she’s the first

to create the celebrity for being a rich kid – at least in the modern world…the celebrity off a sex tape…and the celebrity who paved the way for all that is terrible in the world…like the Kardashians…

Not that you care what I think, you just want to to see Paris’ pussy like it was 10 years ago..but it’s not…but still the rich trick doing the same tricks…trick…


Paris Hilton Beach Upskirt of the day January 13th, 2017