Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am not a Trump supporter – but I am not American so that makes total sense. Not to mention he was a clown from Reality TV I’ve seen in the media for so many years and that I can’t take seriously. But that has nothing to do with politics. That has to do with him being a clown from Reality TV.

I am definitely not a far left, social justice warrior, extreme feminist, although I like to tell feminists I am to have sex with them, because from my experience, and apparently the experience of Berkley last night, I’ve seen these people are flimsy at best in their political theory, passionate sure, loud and annoying like vegans, only they are vegans who have been raped….they throw tantrums, break shit, are “activists” making noise…yet they are all inconsistent as fuck…proven in that they couldn’t rally their troops to not vote trump, and by the fact that they yell at you and terrorize you if you don’t agree with their safe space, trigger warning, fluffy pussy opinion….which to a logical person would be contrary to their fight for inclusion because we are all ONE people…the HUMAN people…

It’s just hilarious how dumb they are not to realize how useless, inconsistent and flimsy their opinions are.

The reason this affects me is because I’ve spent my internet career not getting ad deals because of these people thinking I am a misogynist…the same people who are taking slutty selfies and fucking dudes for money because it’s empowering…

So I don’t see why we’re all complaining about the nuclear war…or a human reset. It’s time….you fucking pussies…

Here are some stepLINKS….in the morning….

Double Black Flip


In Case You Missed it – Watch KEKE PALMER


Immigrant model ass


This is Travis Barker’s House


Kate Bosworth is Everything


Sara Jean Underwood’s TITS in Hawaii


John Lennon and Yoko Ono Movie Being Made – John Lennon to be Played by John Legend and Yoko Ono by Chrissy Teigen


Oh Shit- Super Coffee Strains


10 Reasons to Bang Women In Menopause


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day February 2nd, 2017