More Grace Hartzel for Purple Magazine of the Day

Grace Hartzel has been doing the rounds and I make fun of her for being one of those hairy not shaving feminists who tries to intellectualize or play up the fact that she is a woman and a woman like a man can not shave….fuck social norms that belittle women…fuck the patriarchy…or whatever it is that she thinks made her feel the need to shave her pussy in high school and adulthood. Was it porn, was it the low cut bikini, was it a boyfriend….or was it OTHER GIRLS or her MOM who taught her how to do it…

I WONDER…but blaming men is cool, considering I’m a man and can’t be the only man who is an ambassador of bush and has been one for as long as I can remember, I’ve made girls I fuck grow out their bush for as long as I can remember, the bald pussy trend was so homo to me, real men don’t like pubic hair…what a joke….real men just like pussy…and sometimes so much that a soaking wet bush surrounding that pussy makes that pussy more magical…to cum on…

Seriously, bros who want to fuck each other like shaved pussy, and sure it can be a nice treat, but to make it a political statement is so dumb…it’s not the 60s…when Bush was running rampent…and it’s just another example of millennials being fucking idiots..

So as I see why Bush is on the rise, it’s great, as I I never understood the insecurity hairy bitches had…or their unwillinginess to accept the comforting blanket that feels like home…that is the pillow in her panties…I appreciate girls like this perpetuating my needs and wants as a pervert…while thinking they are doing the opposite…..GREAT JOB TEAM.

More Grace Hartzel for Purple Magazine of the Day February 7th, 2017