Bella Thorne in a Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne fucking brings it…everything she’s producing is hilarious to me….it’s like she was so well trained by her tyrant mother we can assume she broke free from….and now she’s addicted to male attention, getting likes, injecting her face with fillers, being high AF and silly, while doing whatever it is she does….I think it’s acting…at least that’s why I post on her…cuz she’s more than just an insta whore but is still an insta whore…a massively followed insta whore with a great body who plays it so well…

She’s about to go on vacation on a Cruise…so expect more ridiculous drunken content out of her that I may or may not post if I see it – cuz I’m a pervert who watches all these young bitches in action…

I’m a fan and I don’t know why…I think it’s cuz she’s funny and manipulating all of us…with her ass. Good girl…no wonder the execs and Disney let her suck their dick for jobs…

Bella Thorne in a Bikini of the Day February 17th, 2017