Slutty Models at the SI SWIM EVENT of the Day

Got these women are so fucking basic, cheesy, trashy….the pregnant Hannah Davis all filled up with a Derek Jeter herpes baby probably the most interesting…but still not that interesting…live in this bubble where they think what they do matters, is important, is status, and it’s really just fucking dull..

So they get made up, go to events celebrating a magazine release that no one really cares about, thanks to instagram killing the bikini model, and the bikini magazine…thank god…

But I guess social media also killed the internet, the web is dead, this site included so in a lot of ways – I have a lot in common with these women…and for that they should eat my ass…if only I was rich enough…because like all women…they like rich dudes…

Either way….here’s the event arrivals that look like the lamest fucking prom ever…and why are all the models middle aged? Weird…not to mention – they all look fat…

Who cares about their names are – they are all the worst…


Slutty Models at the SI SWIM EVENT of the Day February 17th, 2017