Bella Thorne in Black Face of the Day

THAT ACNE FACED / POCK FACED / GINGER FRECKLE FACED racist….all in black face cultural appropriating black America while trying to get LIKES and follows to increase her fame and profile…WEIRD…

All running her minstrel show….all in black face like she’s Al Johnston…in black face…Unless she’s in Orange Face doing the Donald Trump….

Whatever it is, it looks like she was just jerked off on by 12 fucking Orange Julius employees….who have been living off the shit for years…if that’s a thing? I mean I couldn’t think of anything orange…that would cum orange…like her hair….

I kind of like whatever this lubricated face weirdness is – because it’s not a “look how hot my hot ass is cuz I am young and it’s hot”…pic…mixing it up…

Bella Thorne in Black Face of the Day February 23rd, 2017