Marina and her Flower Tits of the Day

Fashion Art…better known as FART….or F’Art….is so silly….when you take a girl who pretends to be a model and draw a flower over her nipple to make some kind of impactful statement…

This is like those white people who refer to people as THEY…not he or she…because less than 1 percent of the world are tranny and for that less than 1 percent we should abolish men / women / gender…makes sense…

So much sense that when they do their shoots….they are equally dumb as fuck…like this model named Marina, who doesn’t want to put her name on it…because it’s just that stupid she does want her high school friends googling her to see what she’s been up to – or what her boyfriend tricked her into doing…

Marina and her Flower Tits of the Day March 7th, 2017