Bella Thorne Posts a Bikini Picture of the Day

I guess Bella Thorne got the vibe that her momentum was slowing down a little. I didn’t do a post on her for at least a day or two, which means that she hasn’t put any smut out there for perverts like me to stare at and sexualize to the point of putting it on my website and writing bullshit that doesn’t matter about the pics…like about how I’ve never fucked a redhead – or how redheads have super strength due to their species being left out in the woods to die after they were born and their parents assumed they were product of the devil…..which makes sense….

So she posted a bikini picture on her social media…an old pic probably, because she’s in Canada and not in a bikini, Canada has that effect on women…but pull one from the archive like it’s fresh, the perverts won’t know the difference, recycle that shit…even though I KNOW….and when a girl not in a bikini posts a bikini pic…she’s doing it for the likes…oh…I just checked…apparently these are some fresh bikini pics from the hotel pool…good hustle…I like it.

Bella Thorne Posts a Bikini Picture of the Day April 5th, 2017