Melinda London Big Boobs from Instagram of the Day

Her name is Melinda London. I know very little about her other than the fact that she is one of 7.500 people I follow on INSTAGRAM who doesn’t follow me back, and she’s not even famous, she’s got 19k follower, who knows how many are real followers, and you’d think she’d take the time to ask me to promote her to my masssive audience since I am an iconic website that his been doing this for 14 years like a fucking idiot.

The more I think about it, the madder I am about this shameless famewhore, Melinda London, who doesn’t follow me on social media…because she only follows 369 people to keep her ratio in check and I’m not “COOL ENOUGH”….even though MY INSTAGRAM IS LIFE CHANGING

RUDE people deserve rude commentary…you know do unto others, or some shit, but I’m the misogynist or creep the second I call her out for exploiting her big tits to get hits, like an attention seeker with daddy isssues and an ego, thinking that she is hot enough to be at the top…because she pretty much is…but that’s NOT THE POINT…

The point is that Melinda London broke my heart….my spirits and I cry while I objectify her tits…it is all I can do….can’t wait til she googles herself and emails me mean spirited take down notices..


Melinda London Big Boobs from Instagram of the Day May 10th, 2017