I figure why not keep focus on Spanish actresses who have made it in Hollywood this morning by showcasing the celebrated, once deemed hot, looking old, academy award winning Penelope Cruz….Tom Cruise’s sister.
I remember I used to fuck a girl who used to say she looked like Penelope Cruz, mainly because she had a monster fucking nose and shit toned skin, so in a lot of ways I feel like I’ve fucked Penelope Cruz. Sure she was a 300 pounder, in her mid 50s, didn’t look like Penelope Cruz, but put on a good act when faking her squirt, which was in fact just pee…she was no Oscar winner and didn’t live a life of Luxury…..but she was convinced she was on some Penelope Cruz shit, so who am I to argue…that’d be like telling a Bruce Jenner type he’s not a girl, but a boy with Mental issues and you know how that works out for the most part…
I am sure this even is massively important in Spain…more importantly, I guess this is what milk feels like when it expires.