Ariana Grande Concert Explosion of the Day

I am well aware that Ariana Grande, fat American hating, narcissistic little Disney cunt, is terrible, and that her concerts would be the fucking worst…but I didn’t think it was this bad….

RIP Ariana Grande fans, when we all know it should have been her taken out, as if it wasn’t she’ll be milking this for a long fucking time….or maybe it will make her feel guilty have have her spiral out of control…

I am sure I’ve said “her fans should die” at least once in my life, but that was strictly a figure of speech, because she’s terrible and her fans allow her to survive…

I didn’t mean it, and think dying in concert, even terrible concerts, is bad…and the only fatality should be your dignity for being a fan of trash….

But I don’t think humans should be exploding other humans…that’s just fucking nuts..

It’s a sad day….knowing that you can’t go to a shitty concert and not get killed.

I mean Ariana Grande’s fans are probably 15 year old girls. What the fuck…or maybe they are sexual predators, like the time I went to some Teen Action movie to look at the 18 year olds in tight clothing….it’s real…and really Ariana is kinda hot, especially knowing how naughty Disney Trained her…

I guess she’s da bomb…

19 people dead…50 injured…just fucking crazy….makes you not want to leave your house..seriously….

Ariana Grande Concert Explosion of the Day May 22nd, 2017